Cinemes Girona 9 — 14 April 2024
Subscribe to the newsletter before April 5 and enter the draw for 5 double tickets for the Cinemes Girona sessions!
Cinemes Girona
9 — 14 April 2024
Subscribe to the newsletter before April 5 and enter the draw for 5 double tickets for the Cinemes Girona sessions!

USA. 2016. Doc. 86′
Right to Peace, Palestine
Since 2005, groups of Israelis and Palestinians have been working together for peace and non-violence, through the association Combatents for Peace. The documentary tells the story of this group that opposes the Israeli warmongering…
► Opening ceremony, with the presence of Laurent Cohen (president of Junts – Associació de Jueus i Palestins) and Natàlia Abu-Shaar (president of Comunitat Palestina a Catalunya).
USA. 2016. Doc. 86′
Right to Peace, Palestine
► Opening ceremony, with the presence of Laurent Cohen (president of Junts – Associació de Jueus i Palestins) and Natàlia Abu-Shaar (president of Comunitat Palestina a Catalunya).

Germany. 2023. Doc. 80′
Labor situation of seasonal workers, Fair and sustainable nutrition
“The Pickers” is a journey to the extensive crops of southern Europe, where our fruits and vegetables are collected by a thousand immigrants, mostly Africans, who travel from one field to another. Most of…
► Debate with Elke Sasse (director) and a member of FoodCoop
Germany. 2023. Doc. 80′
Labor situation of seasonal workers, Fair and sustainable nutrition
► Debate with Elke Sasse (director) and a member of FoodCoop

Germany. 2023. Doc. 89′
Activism, Defenders and defenders of Human Rights in Colombia, Land Rights, Right to Truth, Justice and Reparation
The 2016 Peace Process did not end the long and bloody conflict in Colombia. Today, it is the country where more human rights defenders and defenders of human rights are assassinated, especially those who…
► Debate with Jonas Brander (director), Manuela Bedoya (Colombian activist), Sara Maria Perdomo (Colombian activist) and Fabián Torres García (Col-lectiu Maloka).
Germany. 2023. Doc. 89′
Activism, Defenders and defenders of Human Rights in Colombia, Land Rights, Right to Truth, Justice and Reparation
► Debate with Jonas Brander (director), Manuela Bedoya (Colombian activist), Sara Maria Perdomo (Colombian activist) and Fabián Torres García (Col-lectiu Maloka).

Ireland. 2019. Doc. 90′
Occupation and apartheid in the Gaza Strip
For years, and especially in recent months, the Gaza Strip has been reduced to an image of violence, chaos and destruction. The documentary, on the other hand, looks at life beyond that: the daily…
► Debate with Joan Roura (journalist) and Ibrahim Beisani (former president of Comunitat Palestina a Catalunya)

Poland, 2023. Doc. 70′
Migration, Refuge, Asylum
Seven people of different origins meet in London and explain to us where they come from and what they are escaping from, the tragic events of their lives. It seems that they are already…
► Debate with Anna Konik (director) and Elena Maya (co-director of CCAR)
Poland, 2023. Doc. 70′
Migration, Refuge, Asylum
► Debate with Anna Konik (director) and Elena Maya (co-director of CCAR)

France, Qatar, Palestine, Switzerland. 2017. Doc.-Fic. 94′
Political repression of the Palestinian people by Israeli occupation
In order to confront the ghosts that haunt him, Palestinian director Raed Andoni assembles an eclectic group of ex-prisoners to build a replicate of Al-Moskobiya, Israel’s main interrogation centre, where he was himself jailed…
► Debate with Ramzi Maqdisi (lead actor and co-writer)
France, Qatar, Palestine, Switzerland. 2017. Doc.-Fic. 94′
Political repression of the Palestinian people by Israeli occupation
► Debate with Ramzi Maqdisi (lead actor and co-writer)

Germany. 2023. Fic. 89′
Xenophobia, Racism, Neo-Nazism
One day when Amal is with her son in a park in Berlin, they are insulted by a young man who reproaches them for their Arab origin. The incident damages Amal’s dignity and profoundly…
► Debate with Victoria Tissot (president of the Embajada del Arte de Ucrania)
Germany. 2023. Fic. 89′
Xenophobia, Racism, Neo-Nazism
► Debate with Victoria Tissot (president of the Embajada del Arte de Ucrania)

Belgium. 2023. Doc. 88′
Labor rights, Self-management, Cooperativism
In the 1970s, the women cleaners of the Catholic University of Leuven took their cap and created their cleaning cooperative, Le Balai Libéré.50 years later, the cleaning staff of the same university, now mixed,…
Belgium. 2023. Doc. 88′
Labor rights, Self-management, Cooperativism

Spain. 2023. Docudrama. 70′
Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Colonization
In 1550, in Valladolid, Fra Bartolomé de las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, advisor to Charles V, debate before a theological-legal tribunal about where the rights of the Spanish colonizers end and those…
► Debate with Juan Rodríguez-Briso (director) and Viviana González Delfino (screenwriter)
Spain. 2023. Docudrama. 70′
Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, Colonization
► Debate with Juan Rodríguez-Briso (director) and Viviana González Delfino (screenwriter)

Denmark, Israel, Finland, Iceland. 2022. Doc. 100′
War-mongering in Israeli education
The documentary addresses the issue of militarization and its impact on the lives of young Israelis who are forced to enlist right out of high school. Through the soldiers’ diaries and family videos, the…
► Debate with Amir Hallel (activist against Israeli apartheit and colonization) and Laurent Cohen (president of Junts – Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins)
Denmark, Israel, Finland, Iceland. 2022. Doc. 100′
War-mongering in Israeli education
► Debate with Amir Hallel (activist against Israeli apartheit and colonization) and Laurent Cohen (president of Junts – Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins)

Denmark, Syria, Germany, USA. 2023. Doc-Fic. 88′
Repression of women in Syria
A group of young Syrian women embark on producing a play that exposes the culture of misogyny and sexual abuse that has affected the lives of women in their country for generations. They want…
Denmark, Syria, Germany, USA. 2023. Doc-Fic. 88′
Repression of women in Syria

Spain, 2023. Doc. 60′
Syrian women exploited in Lebanese refugee camps
Immersion in the daily work and life of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, in a regime of severe exploitation, if not slavery….
Spain. 2023. Doc. 24′
Illegal detention in Immigration Detention Centers in Denmark
► CASE STUDY: PRODUCTION OF YOUNG FEMALE DIRECTORS ABROAD. Conversation with Eva Parey (director of “Aamelat”), Sandra Forn (producer of “Aamelat”), Maria Colomer (director of “The Painter’s Room”), and Montse Pujol (producer of “The Painter’s Room)
Spain, 2023. Doc. 60′
Syrian women exploited in Lebanese refugee camps
Spain. 2023. Doc. 24′
Illegal detention in Immigration Detention Centers in Denmark
► CASE STUDY: PRODUCTION OF YOUNG FEMALE DIRECTORS ABROAD. Conversation with Eva Parey (director of “Aamelat”), Sandra Forn (producer of “Aamelat”), Maria Colomer (director of “The Painter’s Room”), and Montse Pujol (producer of “The Painter’s Room)

Iran. 2023. Doc. 72′
Gender violence Repression of women in Iran
Zahra, a 27-year-old Iranian soccer enthusiast, supports Persepolis, one of the most important soccer teams in Tehran. However, due to an unwritten law in Iran, women are forbidden to attend soccer games in stadiums….
► Debate with Shaghayegh Norouzi (Iranian filmmaker, creator of #MeToo in Iran).
Iran. 2023. Doc. 72′
Gender violence Repression of women in Iran
► Debate with Shaghayegh Norouzi (Iranian filmmaker, creator of #MeToo in Iran).

Germany. 2023. Doc. 88′
Migration, Asylum, Refugee, Humanitarian aid, Syria
The story of the Syrian Olympic swimmer who fled her country during the war and who, together with her sister, saved the raft with which they had left Turkey to reach Lesbos. Her subsequent…
► Debate with Dilara Ekmen and Adrián Vives (CCAR), and Victoria Tissot (president of the Embajada del Arte de Ucrania).
Germany. 2023. Doc. 88′
Migration, Asylum, Refugee, Humanitarian aid, Syria
► Debate with Dilara Ekmen and Adrián Vives (CCAR), and Victoria Tissot (president of the Embajada del Arte de Ucrania).

United Kingdom, Palestine, Qatar. Fic. 115′
Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid in the West Bank
Basem is a Palestinian schoolteacher who is caught between his commitment to political resistance and his role as the father figure of one of his students, Adam….
United Kingdom, Palestine, Qatar. Fic. 115′
Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid in the West Bank

Afghanistan, 2023. Fic. 80′
Gender violence and political repression in Afghanistan
Soraya is a journalist who has made a name for herself by her work defending the rights of Afghan women and girls during the period of the North American occupation of the country. When…
► Debate with Malalai Joya (Afghan activist and former MP), Carme Santín Marín (member of Afghan Women On the Run) and Karima Shujazada (Afghan journalist and activist).
Afghanistan, 2023. Fic. 80′
Gender violence and political repression in Afghanistan
► Debate with Malalai Joya (Afghan activist and former MP), Carme Santín Marín (member of Afghan Women On the Run) and Karima Shujazada (Afghan journalist and activist).

Germany. 2023. Doc. 91′
Activism with exploited, impoverished and marginalized children in Bangladesh
In a mix of documentary, animation and art cinema, the director and protagonist, Lukas Zeilinger, delves into the slums of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, one of the poorest areas in the world. What…
► Debate with Irene Vilà and Pau de la Calle (photojournalists)
Germany. 2023. Doc. 91′
Activism with exploited, impoverished and marginalized children in Bangladesh
► Debate with Irene Vilà and Pau de la Calle (photojournalists)

Spain. 2023. Doc. 73′
Historical memory, Francoist repression, Right to Truth, Justice and Reparation
After the defeat of feixism in World War II, some idealists in Spain continue the fight against Franco’s dictatorship, with the help of foreign volunteers. Sixty years later, Enrica Volpi will discover the mystery…
Spain. 2023. Doc. 13′
Historical memory, Summary executions, Spanish Civil War, Francoism
► Debate with Pere Joan Ventura (director), Enric Escofet (producer), Anastasi Rinos (editor) and Gemma Alfós (editor)
Spain. 2023. Doc. 73′
Historical memory, Francoist repression, Right to Truth, Justice and Reparation
Spain. 2023. Doc. 13′
Historical memory, Summary executions, Spanish Civil War, Francoism
► Debate with Pere Joan Ventura (director), Enric Escofet (producer), Anastasi Rinos (editor) and Gemma Alfós (editor)

Ukraine. 2023. Doc. 120′
The Right to Peace, Ukrainian War
The Hardest Hour is a documentary journey through the life of the Ukrainians during the war. Each story of the film was shot by its protagonists with their own mobile phones. It is not…
► Closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the 4th edition of IMPACTE! With the participation of Alan Badoev (director of “The Long Day”), Victoria Tissot (president of the Embajada del Arte de Ucrania) and Kristian Herbolzheimer (director of ICIP, International Catalan Institute for Peace)
Ukraine. 2023. Doc. 120′
The Right to Peace, Ukrainian War
► Closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the 4th edition of IMPACTE! With the participation of Alan Badoev (director of “The Long Day”), Victoria Tissot (president of the Embajada del Arte de Ucrania) and Kristian Herbolzheimer (director of ICIP, International Catalan Institute for Peace)