Awards 4th edition
Best Film Award
Under the Sky of Damascus
Jury’s verdict: The Jury has decided to award the Best Film IMPACTE! Award of 2024 to Under the Sky of Damascus, by Heba Khaled, Talal Derki and Ali Wajeeh (Denmark, Syria, Germany, USA, 2023), for its great cinematographic and innovative value. The film is constructed in a collective way, an idea that challenges the individualism that is often associated with the creative process. From the point of view of the content, it shows the multiple manifestations of violence against women and makes a courageous radiography of the psychological effects of the war in Syria on women.
Human Value Award
Aamelat. Day Laborers of War
Jury’s verdict: The Jury has decided to award the IMPACTE! al Valor Humà de 2024 a Aamelat, jornaleres de la guerra, by Eva Parey (Spain, 2023), because it values the complication of filming in a refugee camp, of going into the intimacy of the protagonists who live in such hard conditions and denouncing a violence that is often silenced, such as the labor exploitation of women and children in an area where they are expected to be sheltered and protected. The jury emphasizes the bonds of sisterhood that the protagonists weave to protect themselves from the mass slavery that subjugates them to an inhuman slavery.
Best Short Film Award
(online popular vote)
Split Ends
Awarded by popular online vote: The audience that has watched the films during the online version has voted Puntes trencades (Split Ends), by Alireza Kazemipour (Iran, 2022) as the recipient of the Best Short Film IMPACTE! Award. At the time of its selection, the programming team valued the lightness of the narrative for denouncing the dramatic repression of Iranian women by the Iranian regime, symbolized by the obligation to wear a hood. In addition to highlighting the randomness and absurdity of the law, the development makes a joyful vindication of the right to protest, fundamental to defend and vindicate human rights. All this in a fiction that is a magnificent example of the cinematographic quality of Iran’s independent creators, whose works are also a manifestation of freedom of expression, over the censorship of the government.
Jury 4th edition
Isabel Gardela

Scriptwriter and director of the short films “J.V.”, “Caps” and “L’Olfacte”, one of the episodes of the collective feature film “El domini dels sentits”, and of the feature films “Tomándote” and “Collage”.
Graduated in Philosophy (University of Barceona), Technician in Film Imaging (E.M.A.V.), Master in Screenwriting (UAB) and Predoctorate in Communication (UPF). With more than twenty years of experience as a teacher at different universities and training centers, she is currently an associate professor at Pompeu Fabra University and has two film projects in the financing phase.

Joan Antoni Gonzàlez Serret

Film producer, he studied law, journalism and cinema, in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris and Prague, he directed the ICC from 1977 to 2015, he has produced hundreds of documentaries and fiction for cinema and TV, especially auteur cinema, B. Stora i L. Jaui, France, N. Mimica, R. Faenza, M. Risi, P. Scimeca, D. Argento, J. Baier, M. Alexandre, RFA, F. Betriu, P. Portabella, J. L. Guerin, P. Malo, M. Camus, J. Jordal, etc.
He has represented producers in legislative negotiations with the Spanish government, advisor to the Parliament of Catalonia, speaker in the Spanish Senate, Intellectual Property Law, drafter of the Autonomy Law.
He has been a juror at the Ciutat de Barcelona, Biennial, National Film Award, has taught at the Carlos III, UPC and Pompeu Fabra. He was “The invisible head” of the clandestine organization of production and distribution during Franco’s dictatorship, has received awards and recognitions from the British and French governments and was awarded the prize for best European producer 2002 in Venice. Assessor PBS, French Greta, European Dist Ofice, and many others.

Sara Carmona

PhD in Sociology from the University of Barcelona and professor in the Department of Sociology at the same university for 10 years. She is responsible for the Academic Mentoring of students from conflict zones of the University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation. Qualitative researcher specialized in visual and audiovisual language.
She works with special interest in social inequalities with the aim of finding ways of integration and acceptance. Knowledgeable about Arab-Muslim societies, sensitive to gender issues and exclusion issues in general.
Pro-human rights activist for all.