Cineclub #20

With the participation of: • IBRAHIM BEISANI: ex president of Palestine Community of Catalonia. • JORDI PALOU-LOVERDOS: lawyer accredited before the International Criminal Court and one of the pioneering jurists in the application of the principle of universal jurisdiction, and vice-president of Novact. • JORDI BALTÀ: president of Amnisty International Catalonia. Moderated by MIREIA ORRA, […]

Cineclub #11

Amb la participació de: • ELVIRA FERNÁNDEZ: vocal de la Junta Directiva de l’associació Amical de Mauthausen. • ENRIC CAMA: vocal de la Junta Directiva de l’Associació Catalana de Persones Ex-preses Polítiques del Franquisme (ACEPF), membre del consell de participació del Memorial Democràtic i ex-professor d’història. Moderat per ORIOL PORTA, president de l’Associació Impacte Cinema i […]

Cineclub #10

With the participation of: • ANAHITA NASSIR: Iranian political scientist and activist of the movement “Dona, vida i llibertat” (“Women, life and freedom”). • RYMA SHEERMOHAMMADI: translator, cultural communicator and Iranian activist. Moderated by DANI VILARÒ, journalista and director of communication at Amnistia Internacional Catalunya.

Cineclub #08

With the participation of: • EMILI CHALAUX: president of ACAT (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture). • DANI VILARÒ: director of comunication at Amnistia Internacional Catalunya. • ALBERT MARQUÉS: (streaming) Catalan pianist based in the United States and co-creator of the album Freedom First, composed together with the American prisoner and death row […]

Cineclub #07

With the participation of: • MELIHA MERÐIĆ: representative of the Bosnian association Dones Víctimes de la Guerra. • AJNA JUSIC: representative of the Bosnian association Infants Oblidats de la Guerra. • TERESA TURIERA-PUIGBÒ: director of the documentary Encara hi ha algú al bosc. Moderated by MANEL VILA, Manager of District 11 of Barcelona (Sarajevo 92-99), […]


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