International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women


International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Almudena Carracedo i Robert Bahar
Spain, 2024. Doc., 101’
You are not Alone
20 Nov. 2024, 19:00

Calàbria 66, BCN ▸

Free admission



“You are not alone” is not the film about La Manada, but about the victims of La Manada, -in the Sanfermines and in Pozoblanco, in 2016-, in addition to the case of the young woman murdered in the Sanfermines of 2008. It is not a film about one case, but about the universality of sexual violence against women. It focuses on the victims and makes viewers put themselves in their shoes and go through this traumatic process with them. The title refers to the fact that, above the stigma that has prevailed until now, there is accompaniment (which is free by law), and that social sensitivity has changed, and thousands and millions of people now support the victims, in the street and on social networks.


With the participation of:

• ALMUDENA CARRACEDO: co-director of You are not Alone (via streaming).

• MONTSE PINEDA LORENZO: feminist activist, former Secretary of Feminisms of Departament d’Igualtat de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

• MAR LLANAS: audiovisual documentalist of You are not Alone.

Moderated by MAJO SISCAR, journalist and director of Humans Fest (International Festival of Cinema and Human Rights of Valencia).



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