International Day of Democracy


International Day of Democracy

David Bernet
Germany, 2015. Doc., 105’. VOSE
18 Sep. 2024, 19:00

Calàbria 66, BCN ▸

Free admission



Documentary on the reform of the legal framework for data protection in the EU that traces the development of policies from the early stages of conception to the final approval of a draft law in the European Parliament in Brussels. As the online storage and trade of personal data is becoming an increasingly large and inscrutable business, the EU is trying to impose limits on this grab by introducing a new law. The filmmakers accompany five politicians with very different political backgrounds, such as the conservative European Commissioner Viviane Reding and the young Green Party delegate Jan Philipp Albrecht, who are working on the draft law. The film shows the controversial debates of the politicians and observes the attempts of lobbyists and data privacy activists to influence the draft.


With the participation of:

• SIMONA LEVI: digital rights theorist and activist, technopolitical strategist and founder of XNet – Institute for democratic digitalization and digital rights.

MIREIA ORRA, jurist and political scientist specialized in Digital Rights, and activist of the Barcelona Group of Amnistia Internacional.


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