World Autism Awareness Day


World Autism Awareness Day

Constanza Figueroa
Chile, 2022. Doc., 83’
Extraordinarias: Unidas en la Neurodiversidad
24 Jul. 2024, 19:00

Calàbria 66, BCN ▸

Free admission



To live as an autistic woman is to intuit, feel and perceive life in a very particular way: we listen to the birds’ conversations, we ache on hot days and we call in silence. We walk through trembling, uncertain landscapes until we find ourselves. “Extraordinarias” is a documentary that shares the experience of nine autistic women in search of recognition. Autism has been a condition historically masculinized and not very visible in women. We will meet Paz, who narrates her story with animated illustrations, moving from a colorful childhood, a dark adolescence and adulthood, to the return to the colors that came with recognizing herself as autistic. She is accompanied by eight women whose testimonies provide nuances about this condition: from neurobiology to education, psychology and social work. When they recognize themselves as autistic women, they find the warm light that welcomes them into their safe spaces.


With the participation of:

• CARME VALLS LLOBET: expert in medicine with gender perspective.

• NATÀLIA RADÓ: director of Associació Espectre Autista-Asperger de Catalunya.

• JANA COMADRAN: social worker and autist activist.

Moderated by NATÀLIA PÉREZ, psicòloga especialitzada en TEA (trastorn de l’espectre autista).



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