International Holocaust Remembrance Day


International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Francisco Boix, a Photographer in Hell

Llorenç Soler
Spain. 2000. Doc. 55′
Francisco Boix, a Photographer in Hell
24 Jan. 2024, 19:00

Cinemes Girona, BCN ▸

Free admission



Documentary about the life of the photographer Francisco Boix (Barcelona 1920 – Paris 1951). After the Spanish Civil War, exile took him -along with 7,000 other Spaniards- to the Mauthausen concentration camp. There he was assigned to the photographic laboratory, from where he took more than 2,000 photographs in an operation of resistance unheard of in the history of Nazi repression. After the liberation, Boix contributed some of these photos to the Nuremberg Trial as evidence against important members of the military leadership of the Third Reich.


With the participation of:

• ELVIRA FERNÁNDEZ: member of the Board of Directors of the association Amical de Mauthausen.

• ENRIC CAMA: member of the Board of Directors of Associació Catalana de Persones Ex-preses Polítiques del Franquisme (ACEPF), member of the participation council of the Memorial Democràtic and former professor of history.

Moderated by ORIOL PORTA, president of Associació Impacte Cinema i Drets Humans, and producer of the documentary Francisco Boix, un fotògraf a l’infern Francisco Boix, a Photographer in Hell.



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