World Day Against Trafficking in Persons


World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Miki Mistrati
Denmark, 2022. Doc., 80′. OVSS
The Chocolate War
19 Jul. 2023, 19:00

Cinemes Girona, BCN ▸

Free admission



In 2006, labor lawyer Terry Collingsworth uncovered six cases of child slavery in Côte d’Ivoire. All of them testified that they had been kidnapped at the age of twelve to work for free in cocoa plantations, which showed signs of being linked to two of the world’s largest food companies: Nestlé and Cargill. From then on, Collingsworth and his colleague Paul Hoffman began a legal battle to bring the two multinationals to court. It took more than a decade before the California Court of Appeals agreed to hear the case. The reason: lawyers for Nestlé and Cargill claimed that the companies were unaware of the presence of children working in their plantations. However, everything changed when Terry Collingsworth traveled to Ivory Coast to meet the six plaintiffs and, through an activist of the cause, was able to access invoices that disproved the arguments of the two multinationals.


With the participation of:

• GORETTI ARANA: Head of the Department of the Fight against Trafficking in Persons of the NGO Sonrisas de Bombai.

• ALEXANDRE MORENO URPI: professor at Universitat Rovira i Virgili specialized in Public International Law.

Moderated by ORIOL PORTA, president of Associació Impacte Cinema i Drets Humans.



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