International Mother Earth Day


International Mother Earth Day

David Klammer
Germany, 2021. Doc., 83′. OVSC
19 Apr. 2023 , 19:00

Cinemes Girona, BCN ▸

Free admission



In October 2019, the Dannenröder Forst forest (Germany) was occupied by environmental activists seeking to protect it from the construction of a new freeway. To prevent the logging, they decided to live in small communities in the forest, building houses at the top of the trees more than 30 meters high. In his documentary “Barricade – Pictures of a Forest Occupation”, director David Klammer accompanies this group of activists during their ecological struggle until the removal from the forest by police forces more than a year later. The film is a portrait of a whole young generation committed to the environment and acting in defense of a greener and more sustainable future.


With the participation of:

• GISELA TORRENTS: environmentalist expert in climate emergency and Technician in Environmental Rights and Climate Justice at Observatori DESC.

• SARA SANTANA: activist at SoXR Joves i End Fossil Barcelona.

• MANEL RIU:political scientist and journalist at Crític specialized in environment and climate emergency.

Moderated by JÚLIA CATARINEU, journalist specialized in economy.


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