International Day of Happiness


International Day of Happiness

Marianne Chaud
France. 2020. Doc. 71′
The Adventure
22 Mar. 2023, 19:00

Cinemes Girona ▸

Free admission



Every year, hundreds of immigrants and refugees, mostly from West African countries, seek a chance in Europe and risk their lives by crossing the French-Italian border through the Alps to reach France. During the journey, they have to cope with low temperatures, the constant threat of avalanches and the possibility of frostbite. Those who manage to overcome this stretch arrive in Briançon, a city at the foot of the Alps that has become a reception area thanks to the solidarity mobilization of its citizens. Through her camera, the director and anthropologist Marianne Chaud, originally from Briançon, presents “The Adventure”, an intimate and human portrait about the life of all those people who are forced to leave their homeland, and the relationships they establish with the local community, which offers them shelter and personal support. Chaud turns the landscapes of his childhood into a theater of resilience, hope and solidarity.


With the participation of:

• JOSEFINA SENSADA BOXADER: president of Fundació Fernando Fonseca. • AMPARO TOMÉ: sociologist and expert researcher in education and gender. Moderated by LAURA GALVE, activities coordinator at Associació Impacte Cinema i Drets Humans.


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